Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fun With Boxes

After Mommy and Daddy unpacked the box, it was fair game for me to play in. Naturally, I jumped in and pretended it was an airplane.

Brodie v. Crate and Barrel

A box arrived at the door the other day, and I was super excited to play with it and find out what was inside. Turns out, the box wasn't as exciting as I thought it was.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Attacking Daddy on the Couch

Sometimes Daddy falls asleep on the couch, and I jump up and smack his head to wake him.

Daddy might still be recovering from the long days and lack of sleep from his surgery rotation, but I don't care. I don't understand why we can't both be napping on the couch together.

I love my daddy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Big Boned" or "Husky"

I have heard that some of my readers have been worried about me since I haven't posted an update on my life in a while. Here's why I haven't updated in a while.

My daddy has spent the last two months on his surgery rotation. Because he was gone for the first month and home only for bedtime during the second month, I've had no one to wrestle with, so I've gained a little bit of weight. It's harder for me to type on the blog with this extra weight, so that's why you haven't heard from me.

Just kidding, I'm still all fit and hot for the ladies. Mommy thought this picture was funny since it looks like me if I gained a lot of weight. If I'm 60 pounds now, this is probably what I'd look like at 80.