Friday, June 6, 2008

Rescue Anniversary

According to my paperwork, yesterday (June 5th) was the one year anniversary of my rescue from the Louisa County Animal Shelter. Most of you know that I was picked up as a stray by animal control. I spent five days in dog jail, and when no one came to claim me, I was eligable for adoption (or plan B- yikes!). My friends at the Green Springs Humane Society thought I was cute and had potential to find a mommy and daddy of my very own some day, so they rescued me and found me a foster home where I hung out until I met my Mommy and Daddy a couple months later.

Here is a picture of me that was posted on by Green Springs Humane Society back when I was looking for a mommy and daddy. I was a lot skinnier back then before I bulked up my muscles by doing push-ups all day!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Visit to the Vet

Mommy took me to the vet today to have my annual wellness exam and vaccination updates. It was my first trip to the vet since I was adopted. I was a very good boy.

Everyone at the clinic said I was such a handsome boy and was the friendliest dog. My vet also marvelled at my "Giant Beagle" size (60 pounds!). He said I had good muscles.

Because I am positive for Lyme Disease parasites (which does not mean I have Lyme disease, I just have the bacteria that can lead to Lyme Disease), my doctor gave me some meds to kill the bacteria. I have to take 3 pills a day for about a month. Hopefully when I go to the vet again next year, I will test negative for Lyme Disease.

Here's a picture of me running around the exam room sniffing.